Saturday, May 23, 2020


This question was being in my mind since I was so young to understand it. Twenty-six years of age and still I could not figure out the answer. Since the very beginning of my life, I always tried to figure it out about the purpose of my life. Talking about the part of my life there is only one part, how I reached to this level of my life. This part sums up all the phases I have gone through.

Life has been so easy, I have a home to live, food to eat, family to care, this part of my life is called being a kid. Time passes by and so does the surroundings. I was getting older day by day. I have more desires in my life. I have more expectations. I was ambitious. I wanted to achieve all the odds. I have that enthusiasm towards life. Oh god, I was a young kid then with heart full of courage. So many ups and downs, so many people, situations and life taught me many lessons. Some of them were good and some of them were hard to mention.

Growing from kid to youth, I have figured out that I was just a normal kid born in a middle class family just like others. I was not special. I was just an ordinary human being. I kept on going, kept on looking forward to life. After completing the high school with management, I entered into a new phase of my life. Struggle begins.

Sunday, April 30, 2017


Everyone has a dream and fantasy about a person they will meet in some point of time in their life. People often wait for that very moment from where their life will make a turn. Me as a struggling writer always wanted to come up with a story that has never been told before. And meeting with this one person is my part of the story.

Virtual world is where you find peoples with different stories. You will find a new person who has something personal to share every day. The introverts often hesitate to share their inner feelings. I got this man from nowhere in the virtual world and this is his story.

I describe myself as an introvert because I don’t want to share my feelings, I don’t want to share my story, because no one will ever listen to them. Tell me who will prefer to listen a sad story? No one. But you know what? everyone has a secret friend and we introvert have them in the internet. There is this one girl I often talk in the internet. We were so close and also because we don’t know each other. But we know the feelings of each other. Every odd we could not share with the rest of the world; we share with each other.  And I would like to share this one with you cause it’s the happy one.

The days were too hectic with busy schedules. I was just home from the hospital after a very long night that I have to spent looking after one of my friend, who was admitted after a minor heart attack. I was so tired, laying on my bed surfing and I got this message from the same girl.

“Hey what are you up to today?”.
 “Nothing much” I replied.
“What about you?”
“I am at college, waiting for my research teacher to come.”
“Are u alone?” I hesitated to ask that.
“Yeah. Pretty much.”
“May I join u? if you don’t mind.” I kind wanted to flirt. I bet u, you will not believe.
“Why not. Come over.”
“You sure?” I am confused.
“Yeah. Of course.”

I have never met the people from my internet in the real. I was in a dilemma. And then all of a sudden I decided to go. So, I get myself into a brown old trouser and white old shirt that I have been wearing for the past two years. Actually I am not a fashion guy.
I reached the college by the time of 12:30 in the clock.

I was feeling too nervous entering the gate of the college. I sent a message to her “Where are you? I am at the college.” I didn’t know what to write so.
“Ha Ha. You really came? I was just joking.”
“Oh sorry! I will take a leave.”
“Wait. Let’s meet. Come to the library.”

She welcomed me with a hello and a smile on her face. I was too nervous at that time. I didn’t know what to say. I just waved. A complete silence for a moment and then she started to talk and I started to look at her. She was so beautiful. As the two of us were sharing the experiences we had throughout the time on the internet I started to feel her presence. She has got that arresting deep eyes that I could not even stop to gaze into her eyes the whole time she was talking with me. She was so fantastic and charming. I have never ever guessed that she will be that much confident and comfortable. It was our first meeting today and I felt like I knew her from the ages.

I was getting comfortable with her now. We shared a lot of things and most of all we did was talking. She has got a magical voice. I can still listen to that voice. And when she smiled at one of my stupid joke, oh magical, I just forget all of my pains and felt refreshed. When that tiny part of her lower lips goes down a little bit creating a small gap from where I can see the sparkling white teeth of her, I just liked this girl. At this very moment I wanted to write about this amazing girl. But I couldn’t make it cause you now I am not a writer and even if I write one, who will read my story.

We spent the rest of the day talking inside a café enjoying the chicken sausage and french fries. We talked about each other. We talked about family, stories, movies, music. We talked about everything. We shared feelings, emotions.  This girl has something in her that I couldn’t stop thinking about her after her departure. Oh my dear lord what is this happening to me. Why am I thinking too much about this one girl? Why I could not forget that image of mine in her deep eyes?

From that day I have got a special feeling towards her that I could not convey to her. We still talk on the internet. We are even more closer than we were before. But I have never shared the feeling that I got when I first met that day at the college.

As I was writing this story, I have always framed a picture of that girl from his internet. I wish I could ever meet her and tell her his story. I wish that she has got the same story for him. I wish their story get to a happy ending. I wish!!

Monday, March 27, 2017

मोबाइल पात्र

"मोबाइल पात्र "
अलार्म को बेसुरो आवाज़ संगै जुरुक्क उठी , तंद्रामा झिपझिप आँख़ा खोल्दइ, नित्यकर्म  भन्दा पहिले नै ,खोजी कार्य सुरू हुन्छ । मुख धोई पख़ालि सकेपछि चियाको मिठो चुस्की संगै एक्छिन साक्ष्यात्कार, मानौ चिया मा भन्दा बेशि मज़ा त्यो भेंट मा छ । त्यसपछि भान्शा को रेसिपी हुदै, लंच टेबल मा आएर रोकीन्छ, अनी चालू हुन्छ बार्तालाप । अफ़िस पुग्ने बाटोको समय पनी त उपयोग गर्नु पर्यो । अब प्रतिस्पर्धा सुरू हुन्छ , आफनै साथीभाई, कलिग बीच । तेरो ठूलो की मेरो ? ब्राण्ड का कुरा पनी निस्किंछन, हल्का फेरबदल त भै हालछन नी , हात का औला त एकनाश हुन्नन ! जाबो मानिष ले बनाएको एक प्रयोग को साधन । हैकमदारहरू प्रसंशा का उर्दी जाहेर गर्न पनी पछी पर्दैनन । ठुलै मुठभेड़ पछी आफ़्ना आफ़्ना गन्तब्य का लागी रबाना हुन्छन । अब पालो कार्यालय को !
दैनिक कार्यमा प्रयोग हुने ईमेल देखी लिएर सोसियल मीडिया सम्म को प्रयोग का लागी प्रस्तुत हुन्छ ऊ । लाइक कॉमेंट को भारी बोक्छ !
बिभिन्न अबसर मा फोटो र सेल्फ़ी क़ैद गर्न पनी ऊ पछी पर्दैन !
आजकल त मानौ फ़ेशन चल्या छ प्रयोग को
उठ्दा सूतदा, बाथरूम जड़ा , यात्रा गर्दा , समारोह अफ़िस कलेज स्कूल जताततै अनिबार्य छ ऊ ।
नहोस पनी किन बिसेसता त्यस्तै छ उस्को !
न कहिले रिसाउछ न झर्को मान्छ , जस्तो अबसर त्यस्तै आकार मा परिणत हुन्छ ,
न प्रयोग हुन डराउछ , न हराउने चिन्ता !
हराएनी के को पीर बाज़ार मा एक से एक नया मोडल छ्यासछ्यासती उपलब्ध छ !

एक प्रेमिल मन
एक साधन वासनाको
एक कपोल कल्पित पृष्ठभूमि
पात्र दुई
म अनी ऊ !!

दिनचर्या सामान्य
ब्यथा यथार्थपरक
शोच , अनपेक्षित दुस्टता
कमी भावनाको !!
(c) अमर दिप घिमिरे
टुकुचा ५ काभ्रे 
एक खेलौना 
साधन बिलाशिताको 
प्रयोगकर्ता ऊ 
उपभोग्य बस्तु म !!

एक साध्य
भावना मनको
खरिदकर्ता ऊ
मोल मेरो ज़िन्दगी !!

अमर दिप घिमिरे
टुकुचा ५ काभ्रे

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

आज्कल सरिर्मा जोश छैन
कुनै कुराको नि होश छैन । ।

बहिर सब सग्लै देखिन्छ
भित्र नगलेको कोश छैन ||

तिमी सुन्दरी अत्ती सुन्दरि
मन पर्नु मा मेरो दोश छैन । । |

बग्ने लाई त खोलै बग्छ यहा
आफुलाइ थोरै ओश छैन । ।

अ्मर दिप घिमिरे
बबरमहल काठ्माडौं
जीन्दगि लामो छ केहि त सोच्नु पर्ला
बत्तीस लक्षण युक्त एउटी खोज्नु पर्ला
बिचलित भाको छुइन केहि गर्छु अझै
संसारकै सवै भन्दा राम्री रोज्नु पर्ला||

अ्मर दिप घिमिरे
बबरमहल काठ्माडौं
३० आसाढ २०७१